Wednesday, December 31, 2014

CoffeeShop Website/Blog Design with Sidebar

This website is a CoffeeShop design sample of my two-column template (here is another sample with a different menubar location). If you want a one-column photoblog/website, you can see a sample design here.  I install a beautiful new template that allows you to post large images that look great on tiny smart phones and a sidebar for ads, buttons, etc., a top header with your logo/title, an optional photo slideshow under the header,  a drop-down menubar (with custom social buttons such as Facebook and Pinterest), a post divider between each post, favicon and a customized background surrounding your site.  My website designs run beautifully on computers, tablets, and smart phones.

My designs also come with full installation on your Blogger-hosted site and detailed instructions for  maintaining your site and updating the design elements and menubar.  I also include a set of web storyboards to display your images, perfectly sized to fit your new website.

My design fee is a one-time cost and Blogger hosts your new site for free! Additionally, Blogger is owned by Google, so your new site is automatically sent to Google search.  You can also easily add Google's AdSense ads to your site and make easy money.

I can design blogs or websites for photographers, crafters, bloggers, artists, digital designers, etc.  I love working with newbies and I will make sure you love your new site.

Any questions?  Just email Rita at  I look forward to designing for you!


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